Datanet Systems recorded strong growth in 2015

Feb. 2016

Datanet Systems, one of the main Romanian complex system information integrators, recorded a 23 million revenue in 2015, with a 10% growth year over year. The financial output results were balanced between Datanet Systems four business line, but also at vertical levels.

During 2015, Datanet managed to consolidate business and technical expertise in 100 Gbps network infrastructure developed for national operators but also rolled out state-of-the-art projects in telemedicine field. Moreover, company expanded its knowledge, skills and portfolio in cybersecurity and Datacenter infrastructure, strategy that generated a relevant increase of projects and market share.

„2015 business indicators are according to objectives that we announced last year, both in terms of revenue and profitability. We share the same financial performance as the entire group Soitron, that also delivered a revenue growth last year. From a market perspective, the RON-USD rate exchange had a negative impact on financial evolution and economic efficiency. To overcome this, we adopted different financial tools to control the effects of exchange rate depreciation. Also, in 2015 IT budgets were very tide, but we manage, even in these market conditions, to achieve a 10% growth in year over year revenue” mention Dragos Stroescu, Datanet Systems Executive Manager.

For 2016, Datanet Systems plans to invest more in increasing company footprint in cybersecurity market and Datacenter infrastructure, fields with an accelerated dynamic, according to all market forcasts. These investments will extend the current product and services portfolio delivered to clients, but also the professional certification of Datanet Systems team.


Learn more about Datanet Systems’ portfolio, in the dedicated section.
For more details please contact:
Gabriel Mușat
Technical and Marketing Manager