Datanet » Technologies and IT solutions » Complete remote collaboration (work from home) solutions
Datanet » Technologies and IT solutions » Complete remote collaboration (work from home) solutions
The adoption of mobility and cloud services in the enterprise environment is becoming, in the current international context, essential elements for any company that wants to maintain its position in the market. Decreasing employees’ dependence on strictly delimited workspaces has become not only a trend but a necessity.
If you want to eliminate the risks of public transportation and office attendance, but maintain your operational capabilities, productivity and connecting employees and partners, Datanet Systems has the right solutions for your company.
Our experience, gained and capitalized on the implementations made in over 20 years of integration of complex IT solutions, allows us to offer our clients efficient and secure communications and collaboration solutions for remote work (work from home). These are tailored to specific needs, without the need for major investment efforts.
Depending on the number of participants, functionality and security requirements, Datanet Systems, a Cisco Gold partner specializing in Cisco Unified Communications, can quickly set up an efficient and secure collaboration system. This allows the company’s employees to work from home or remotely as efficiently as from the office, with any device, operating system or connection type.
For remote work Datanet Systems recommends the following set of premium collaboration and IT security products:
Soluțiile noastre vă asigură mediu de lucru remote eficient și sigur cu ajutorul caruia beneficiați de următoarele avantaje:
Cisco Webex is a professional collaboration solution widely used on a global level. Webex is a cloud service and runs on any device: laptop, desktop, mobile phone, and tablet. It can be accessed from the browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc) as well as through dedicated applications.
The commercial Webex service allows the connection of up to 200 participants, the unlimited number of virtual meetings, HD video quality, up to 5 GB of cloud storage as well as the essential functions of video conferencing and collaboration.
Users communicate by voice and video, can share screens and content (eg files, presentations), and discussions can be recorded and archived. Meetings are easily planned through a calendar with attendance indicators showing the availability of colleagues for interaction. The communication is encrypted AES at 256 bits. Using one of the paid plans (Starter, Plus and Business), the discussions benefit from automatic transcription, which simplifies the way information is searched. The upgrades offer administration and integration portal with Microsoft Active Directory.
Cisco Umbrella analizează cererile DNS și le acordă sau nu accesul în funcție de rezultatul analizelor realizate. Soluția Cisco este livrată ca serviciu Cloud și actionează pe doua planuri:
Soluția Cisco nu asigură doar proactiv protecția, ci și retroactiv – dacă unul sau mai mulți utilizatori au accesat un domeniu compromis înainte ca acesta să fi fost blocat, aceștia sunt identificați rapid și pot fi trecuți automat în carantină și/sau Umbrella le blochează orice altă cerere DNS.
Cisco ASA Next Generation Firewall offers advanced protection against vulnerabilities and computer breaches. The equipment allows the creation of security zones and access policies between zones, monitors and analyzes traffic at the application level (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter) and by categories of domains (social media, gambling, drugs, etc.) and blocks non-compliant traffic according to defined security policies.
Also, Cisco ASA facilitates the automatic application of security policies across the organization and allows integration with Active Directory to correlate security policies with defined user categories.
Cisco AnyConnect provides remote VPN access to the Internet. The application simplifies and improves the experience of the users of mobile devices and dynamically adapts the VPN services according to the latency requirements of the applications.
Also, AnyConnect Apex offers a wide range of terminal device security services from a single unified agent.
Cisco Duo provides dual authentication (device and person) for remote connections through AnyConnect VPN and Windows Logon and also provides the ability to add double authentication to client applications.
Arhitectură avansată de securitate – Opțiunea de a partiționa rețeaua în niveluri distincte, complet separate sau în măsură să comunice într-un mod controlat, toate rulând pe o infrastructură fizică comună.
Meraki Systems Manager Enterprise is a cloud service for mobile device management. It provides centralized management of Windows and macOS mobile devices and workstations from a single control point.
It also allows the centralized creation and implementation of compliance settings for mobile devices (password requirements, mandatory security code on the device, blocking access to the room, data limit on SIM cards), blocking access to different mobile applications according to security policies defined by the administrator.
Meraki Systems Manager Enterprise integrates device geolocation functions for better control and simplifies the installation/uninstallation of mobile applications through a centralized interface.
In order to ease the effort of investing and implementing the IT infrastructure for work from home, Datanet Systems provides the collaboration and IT security infrastructure as a service. By purchasing this service you get: