Cybersecurity - Page 4 - Datanet Systems


Are you prepared for a DDoS attack?

In 2017, 84% of organizations have faced at least one Distributed Denial of Service attack. Have you ever calculated what damage you would suffer if you were facing such an attack? Do you know how to manage an attack of over 1 Gbps? Can you distinguish between a peak of legitimate traffic and a potential threat?

Could you detect hidden threats in encrypted traffic?

The increase in regulatory levels, multiplication and diversification of security risks force organizations to make extensive use of traffic encryption. But more and more hackers use encryption to camouflage their malware attacks and threats. Datanet can help you overcome this deadlock with the new Cisco ETA technology and make your investment in security solutions more profitable.

3 reasons to improve users’ access to your organization

More than two-thirds of current security breaches are based on inefficient authentication systems and/or stolen passwords. (*) If you want to eliminate identity and access management issues and increase the level of protection of the entire organization, Datanet Systems offers the solution of a complete security architecture based on the Cisco ISE solution, over which applications from different vendors can be integrated.